Camp Elim 3.0
The Vision
The completion of these projects will allow us to turn our attention to our new land across the road! Camp’s staff and board of directors are working to refine the vision and secure necessary government approvals for the additional land acquired through the land exchange.
The philosophy adopted by the board regarding usage of the new land includes:
Preservation – open space for nature exploration and education with a goal of avoiding over-development
Program – enhancement of existing service opportunities
Expansion – opportunity for adding programs simultaneously to reach more constituents
The primary goal is to provide much-needed open space to explore and enjoy God’s creation. Camp Elim 3.0 will include new adventure elements as well as continued development to the original property, further enhancing and growing the ministry of Camp Elim. New and exciting ideas are regularly discussed by Camp's board and staff for future campaigns.
We are so excited to continue to grow into the blessings the Lord has given us, but we can't do it on our own.
Thank you for praying for us, standing with us, and
Completing Camp Elim 2.0: Our Haven for Kids and the Gospel.

Completing Camp Elim 2.0
The time has come to complete Camp Elim 2.0. We’re so close! Our Completing Camp Elim 2.0 campaign is split into four phases:
Phase 1: Picnic Pavilion
Phase 1 of Completing Camp Elim 2.0 was the construction of a picnic pavilion designed to provide space to relieve the over-crowded and over-flowing dining space as well as to provide covered recreational space for our campers.
Our journey got off to a fast start! Fundraising began in February of 2019, with full funding of this phase by May. Construction was completed in July, in time to put the pavilion into use for the last part of the 2019 summer season!
Who could have known the vital role an outdoor dining and activity facility like the Picnic Pavilion would play in the successful operation of Camp in the midst of a pandemic?
By God's grace, Phase 1 of developing our haven for kids and the gospel is COMPLETED!

Phase 4: Gym & Activity center
Originally designed to be built adjoining Springs Lodge, the Gym/Activity center will now be built as a standalone building.
By separating the Springs Lodge from the Gym, we will better be able to work around the facilities already in place on our property. By phasing construction, we will also be able to move forward with the construction of Springs Lodge much earlier, allowing us to replace the last of the dormitory-style housing much sooner than we would have been able to with a combined building. This indoor space will allow for additional activity and meeting space for summer camps, guest groups, and GAP Year classes, and will allow us greater flexibility in booking sports camps and school groups.
By God's grace, this phase of Completing Camp Elim 2.0 has been REFINED!

Phase 3: Springs Lodge
Phase 3 of Completing Camp Elim 2.0: Our Haven For Kids and the Gospel is the construction of Springs Lodge.
This facility was designed to replace the last of our dormitory-style camper and staff housing, with the goal of enhancing our existing programs while also increasing child protection. This phase will also allow us the opportunity to meet growing guest group demand for like-minded ministries by housing multiple groups on the property at the same time.
2020 saw the successful restart and growth of our GAP Year program. This has only served to increase the need for staff housing and meeting space. We believe it is time to bring all of Camp's facilities to the standard of Summit, Northwoods, and Canyon Lodges with smaller, dividable rooms and private bathrooms.
By God's grace, Springs Lodge is more than halfway funded! Praise God for the way He is moving in this endeavor.
Phase 2: Staff Housing
God has continued to provide in amazing ways - not only for Camp's ongoing operations with its life-giving and life-changing ministry, but also for the vision of Completing Camp Elim 2.0.
Phase 2 is the construction of additional housing for year-round staff. With the addition of staff to restart Camp Elim's GAP Year program, the need for additional housing has intensified.
This phase was completed in June 2022, and is already put to good use housing members of our year-round team.
By God's grace and the generosity of His people, this phase is COMPLETED!

Did You Know?
Camp Elim is committed to financial responsibility and stewardship of the resources God has given us. As with all of Camp's improvements, these projects will only be completed as God provides funding. That’s where you come in! Would you prayerfully consider being a part of the team that provides for these much needed improvements? As you are able, would you commit to a generous donation that would be used as seed money from which the full funding would grow? We are happy to have the Picnic Pavilion completed and construction on the staff cabin addition underway, but we can’t do it without you!
Your gift is fully tax-deductible and, for Colorado residents, qualifies for the Colorado Child Care Contribution Credit which has been extended through 2024! Every $100 you donate to Camp Elim may reduce your Colorado income tax bill by $50!
Click here to donate directly to this vision!

Camp Elim 2.0
The transformation
In the early 1990s, two duplexes were built to house adult staff and guests. In 2000, Camp’s Chapel was built allowing the focal point of the summer programs to move from the basement of the Lodge to a beautiful and functional new centerpiece of Camp.
In 2008, Camp’s staff and board of directors worked toward the vision of “Equipping Today and Ensuring Tomorrow.” Existing facilities were in great need of an upgrade. Gaining ownership of the land that had been leased for so many years became a priority.
Over the next nine years, the main circle of buildings was transformed-with the East Dorm becoming Summit Lodge, the North Dorm becoming Northwoods Lodge, and the Rec Shelter becoming Canyon Lodge. A facelift to the main Lodge and a finishing of the Chapel basement were further improvements that enhanced the growing ministry. A new ropes course and tandem zip line added a new dimension to the adventure aspect of Camp!
In 2017, by God’s grace, ownership of the land that had been leased for 57 years was granted through a land exchange with the Forest Service! Through this transaction Camp’s property grew from the 16 acres previously leased to a total of 57 acres!
Did You Know?
Through the years, Camp has been blessed to see a steady increase in campers and volunteer staff members.
Since the burst of construction began in 2008, total guests served has grown by 37% with camper days growing by 53%! These increased numbers of guests translate into more and more young people and adults impacted for the Kingdom of God!
A year-end donor attached this note to his gift:
“We think the Lord gets the biggest bang for our buck at Camp Elim."
Annual Attendance: Campers Guest Groups

Camp Elim 1.0
The Formation
In 1946, the leaders of the Christian Home for Children in Colorado Springs were looking for a spot to send the children for a few days in the summer. As they searched, they found Colorado College’s geological camp near Woodland Park. For the next two or three years, they conducted week-long camps for their kids at that site, which went by the name of Camp Ewing.
In 1959, it was discovered that Camp Ewing was for sale. The plan was set into motion to purchase the buildings while leasing the land from the Forest Service. In 1960, the purchase was completed and Camp Ewing became Camp Elim! Summer programs began in 1961.
Did You Know?
Camp Elim’s name came from Exodus 15:27. After wandering in the wilderness, the children of Israel “came to Elim, where there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees, and they encamped there by the water.”
The vision was cast. Camp Elim would provide an oasis or haven for children where they could be refreshed spiritually and develop their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.