Our Mission
Camp Elim exists to provide a Christ-centered, youth-oriented retreat environment that encourages evangelism, spiritual growth and training in order to develop followers of Jesus that impact their home, church, and the world.
This mission will be accomplished by employing a variety of means (Matthew 25:42-45):
1. That Christian campers and staff might receive encouragement and help in their progress toward spiritual maturity
We want to expose campers and staff to traits of character that typify the life of the balanced believer (Love for and sensitivity to God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and other believers, a willingness to hear the facts before making a judgment about any matter; submission to the authority of the Bible, not just knowing what it says, but doing what is commanded; and self-denial for the sake of the Lord's people and His work).
2. That campers might have a good time
We want campers to learn the profitable, enjoyable and wise use of time, without an over-dependence on artificial amusements.
Psalm 90:12 - "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
3. That camper and staff needs would be met to the best of our ability
Personal and internal needs: Love, acceptance, sense of personal value, discipline, help them to identify and share personal problems and offer them counsel on how to deal with these problems; encourage a sense of responsibility for their own actions, attitudes and decision.
External needs: Cleanliness, adequate rest, proper diet, wholesome exercise, teach good athletic skills designed to help them enjoy sports activities and encourage good attitudes toward competition and sportsmanship; teach a variety of skills to enable them to profitably use leisure time; give them instruction and opportunity so they will learn to value a project or job well done (Romans 1:20, Galatians 6:10) and to provide residential facilities for those who participate in the various ministries of the Camp.
4. That the church of Jesus Christ might be built up through the training and equipping of all believers to serve as a part of the church, using their gifts and abilities as given by God for the edification of the saints.
Ephesians 4:16 - "From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."
5. That the institution of the family would be strengthened and equipped.
6. That, as the name Elim implies, the user might find an "oasis" of refreshment and refueling (Exodus 15).