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A prize that will last forever

NOTE: Our 2024 summer camp programs are now concluded. Check back soon for more information about our 2025 camps!

For information on our day camp program, see our Camp Elim In The City page.

The summer Olympics are just around the corner. Athletes of all types will be pushing themselves to the limit, having trained their whole lives in order to win a medal. But, like everything in this life, those medals will tarnish, fade, and be forgotten.

But there is one prize that will never fade: eternity with God Himself, won on our behalf by Christ Jesus! 

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.”

- 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

It is our greatest joy to point our campers to the One who has already completed the race to secure our salvation! 2024 will be Camp Elim’s 64th year of introducing 3rd-12th grade boys and girls to Jesus through our licensed childcare programs. Under the guidance of our highly-trained and well-supervised staff, your child will come away better equipped to run the race of life with the “eternal gold” motivating them on.

So reserve your spot now for this summer! Let the games begin!

Photo of Varsity Camp

Varsity Camp

Varsity Camp is an action-packed week filled with exciting adventures, outrageous laughter, and compelling teaching. Campers will enjoy the variety of activities and are certain to make life-long friends. Outstanding speakers, group discussion, and passionate worship make Chapel times a highlight for many of our Varsity campers. This Camp can sneak up on you, so don't wait to get registered!

Grades 9-12

June 9-14, 2024


Middle School Camps

Middle School Camps have all the fun of the Camp experience while teaching valuable skills that will enable the campers to face the rigors of life as a teenager.

Grades 6-8

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$340/SimulRetreat half-week retreat

photo of middle school camp
photo of grade school camp

Grade School Camps

Camp Elim offers a well-rounded program of fun and excitement conducted in an atmosphere of genuine love and individual care. Through interactive games and chapel sessions, our campers learn a variety of life-skills with an emphasis on spiritual values.

Grades 3-6

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$340/SimulRetreat half-week retreat


This unique camp experience, for students going into grades 9-10, offers an opportunity for service, instruction, and personal discipleship. Bible study, hard work, and great friends create an ideal environment to develop a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

CoWorkers participate in a variety of work projects during this week, including housekeeping, food service, and maintenance. This camp is a great opportunity to get trained for our volunteer summer staff!

Spaces are limited to 16 campers each week, so register early. This camp is always one of our first to fill up!

Grades 9-10

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Photo of CoWorkers camp
Photo of camp excursion

Adventure Bound

Adventure Bound is an exciting week-long excursion, and every year is different!  The adventures could include mountain biking, river rafting, rappelling... You'll just have to come to find out!  The week will definitely contain teaching, worship, and time alone with God in His marvelous creation.

This camp is offsite, and it is recommended that participants are in good health in order to keep up with the physical demands of the trip. Please note that registration and pickup times are different for this camp than our other camps! For campers already registered for this program, make sure to keep an eye on your email for specific information regarding this program!

Grades 9-12

June 22-27, 2025


High School Trail Camp

A week-long program for high school students in the great outdoors, hiking and camping throughout the state! In addition to plenty of outdoor adventures, campers will experience times of worship, great teaching, small-group fellowship, and in-depth Bible study as they travel together.

This camp is offsite, and it is recommended that participants are in good health in order to keep up with the physical demands of the trip. Please note that registration and pickup times are different for this camp than our other camps! For campers already registered for this program, make sure to keep an eye on your email for specific information regarding this program!

Grades 9-12

July 27-August 1, 2025


Photo of High School Trail Camp

Bring-A-Friend Discount

Bring a friend who has never been to camp before and you each save $40. For each additional new camper that you bring, you save another $40!

Note: If your church is coming as a group you are not eligible for this discount. 

Check with your group coordinator for discount information.

Sunday registration

  • Balance of the registration fee

  • Spending money

  • Completed Health Form & Camper Information Form

  • Picture/DVD purchase (optional)

Friday check-out

Camp ends on Friday evening at 7:15 pm. Arrangements for your camper to get a ride home must be noted on the Camper Information Form if you are not planning to come yourself. We are unable to arrange transportation through the Camp Office.


Check out will be available starting at 5:45.  Our closing session for campers with the end-of-week video will start at 6:30.  Parents are welcome to join in on that.  Campers will be dismissed and ready to go by 7:15 p.m.

Check out will follow the same route as our drive-through check in. Please enter through the upper (west) entrance and follow signs for drive-through check out. Staff will be stationed along the check-out route to direct you to where you need to go! Medications, unused spending money, and media purchases will be available for pick up at the drive-through check out.


Uncle Charley’s Country Store will be open after the closing session in case you want to pick up some snacks or camp souvenirs.


Parents are asked to checkout with the camper’s counselor so the counselor can make sure everyone is connecting with the right adult to get home safely.

*Adventure Bound and High School Trail Camp pickup is at 6:30 pm*

These off-site camps will not have a closing session.  Parents are requested to come through the drive-through check out.


No Pets Please. We know your pets are anxious to see your camper, but please save that reunion for home. Pets are not allowed on camp grounds.

​Our drive-through check in will be available from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm on Sunday afternoon. Please do not expect to check-in before then. If you must arrive after 5:00 pm, please call ahead to make arrangements. Please enter at the upper (west) entrance and follow signs for drive-through check in. Staff will be stationed along the check-in route to direct you to where you need to go! Once parked in the parking lot, parents may accompany the camper/campers to their cabin to meet their counselor and get settled in. 

*Adventure Bound registration is at 1:30 pm*

*High School Trail Camp registration is at 2:00 pm*


To speed up the check-in process, please submit all of the following items to Camp at least 2 weeks before your camp begins:​

Please bring your Meds and Medication Authorization Form with you and be ready to turn these in to the medical staff during our drive-through check in.

What to Pack

  • Shirts or blouses

  • Jeans or long pants

  • Shorts

  • Underwear & socks

  • Sweater or jacket

  • Good shoes for running activities

  • Pajamas

  • Pillow & sleeping bag or twin sheets and blanket

  • Washcloth & towel

  • Swimsuit & beach towel

  • Sunscreen

  • Toiletries

  • Flashlight

  • Water bottle

  • Bible, notebook & pen/pencil

  • Musical instrument (optional)

  • Medication - NOTE: Per state regulation, all medications and supplements (including OTC medications, vitamins, supplements, and essential oils) must be turned into the nurse during registration. For more information regarding our medication policy, please contact our office or refer to the information listed on our CampDoc portal.

what not to pack

  • No knives or other weapons

  • No phones - if a camper needs to contact a parent or guardian, they can come to the office

  • No electronics, such as music players or games. Our goal is for campers to "unplug" while they're here and minimize distractions.

*Separate packing lists will be sent out for Trail Camp and Adventure Bound.*

cancellation policy

Should a camper registration be cancelled by your choice (not Camp Elim’s program changes) then all but $25 will be refunded if the Camp is notified in writing at least two weeks before the camp begins. If the cancellation is received less than two weeks before the camp begins, all but the $100 registration deposit will be refunded.

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Eternal Gold torch logo



Camp Elim Summer 2024  |  1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Summer Camps

Register Now!
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